您当前的位置:首页 > 产品展示 > 全自动茶叶包装机系列 > 三角袋茶叶包装机 > QD-20尼龙袋立体三角形茶叶包装机 尼龙袋立体茶叶三角形包装机
尼龙袋立体三角形茶叶包装机 尼龙袋立体茶叶三角形包装机
产品简介:三角包茶叶包装机 茶叶三角包包装机 三角茶包装机
三角袋茶叶包装机 茶叶三角袋包装机 三角袋泡茶包装机
全自动三角袋包茶包装机 全自动三角茶包装机 全自动三角袋泡茶包装机



公司名称: 上海钦典机械制造有限公司
公司地址: 上海市嘉定区南翔镇嘉美路258号


-19   卓

业务线:  /
传     真:  -13


序 号 项      目 指  标  及  说  明
生产速度 35~40袋/ 分
茶叶含量 ≤3±0.5 g / 袋
茶叶要求 茶叶长度≤15㎜,呈扁平状,否则秤量精度会下。
袋纸要求 用户自配日本的附带标签线的尼龙布或无纺布(见照片样品)
放卷数量 1个
放卷纸芯内径 Φ76㎜
放卷外径 ≤Φ400㎜
封切形式 采用世界zui工艺电脉冲封切法
封切装置数量 2套
电器配置标准 气动元件、按钮、交流接触器
气源压力 ≥0.6Mpa(由定做方保证供气)
机内电机用电功率 约 1.1 Kw(380V)(以zui后设计为准)
操作人员 1人
设备外形 约 L 800×W 700×H 2000(㎜)(以zui后设计为准)
设备重量 约800㎏(以zui后设计为准)

Full automatic triangle tea-bag packing machine

Nylon triangle tea bag adopts the imported environmental nylon, weaving cloth material from Japan, which is of sense of high quality food class filter material without poison and bacteria, with heat-resistance approved by China safety inspection, the single color printing of pulling paper on packing is made from imported poisonless ink from Japan suitable for food, and could99%recyclr and reduce the environmental pollution. Of which the sealing take use of unique method-ultrasonic mark sealing, tight, sanitary, safety, reducing abundant sealing width, without wasting filter material, this plastic high quality sense of tea bag image is more natural and delicated fragrance compared with common tea bag, which is more beautiful and high level, and it is more easy for public to accept.

Comparing with common tea bag, this tea bag could extend itself quickly after immerse in hot water, preserving the original taste, delicate fragrance and natural, do not hurt tea bag, could immerse for many times, featuring the stout of material and it is not easy to tear off, the design of transparent net makes the taste of tea plays more compley, the consumer could see the appearance, smell the fragrance, look the color, taste and check tea with original taste just like the fresh tea, let the taste not restricted in container, you could enjoy more convenient modern life at any time and place. The choice of volume measurement, and electronic scales measuring.

Performance parameter



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